After a very prolonged flight I have finally arrived In Manaus, Brazil. My first breathtaking event was seeing the Museu de Amazonia (MUSA), which was created in 2009 and sits on a 100-hectare area of the Adolph’s Ducke Forest reserve. The first thing I got to see were some amazing baby sharks with serrated teeth and fish who live in schools. I really thought that the fish traps that the Brazilians used hundreds of years ago were marvellous. I would highly recommend the museum for people who love animals and love to learn about different things. The best part of the whole museum was all the majestic birds and all the cute, tiny squirrels. There was so much miraculous wildlife and towering trees. I was taking pictures of the wildlife and some reporter came and asked to see my photos. While he was looking he asked if he could pay me $1000 for my pictures because these pictures were staggering and I said ok.

For my second activity I will be going to the Manaus opera house, to hear people use their magnificent voice to sing.If you like music you must come here, you are guaranteed to have a good time. Getting the tickets were way more expensive then I had thought, so I had to bribe the security Guard. When I was in, l was bewildered and in awe of all the Marble walls and the stone status.There were thousands of people sitting and watching the show. It was like you were at those packed and limited time theme parks. After that, I was called out by security and i luckily made it out without any fines.

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